Volume 1 Issue 1: Renewal

2018 was a brutal year. Losing some dear souls has inspired me to redouble my efforts to keep in touch with friends near and far in 2019. So I’m reaching out. Let’s renew contact. When putting this email list together, seeing your names turned into a trip down memory lane. What a powerful reminder of how many walks of life we share. I’d love to keep you in the loop going forward and hope you’ll keep me in yours. (Some of you write hilarious Christmas letters annually!) Multiple projects are coming to fruition in 2019 and with much good news to share, I intend to do this newsletter bimonthly. Expect to hear from me near the New and Full Moons.

The Wisdom Wheel

Those who don’t know me from studying the Wisdom Wheel can learn more about it from our website, and while you’re there, help yourself to a free introduction booklet. Those who have studied the Wheel and its 36 Laws can probably guess why the theme of this initial email is Renewal. According to the Wheel it is that time of year again, and time for all Capricorns to celebrate their birthdays.

Renewal ends on January 21st, which also happens to fall on a Full Moon. Expect another newsletter from me around that time. In the meantime, if you or anyone you know is interested in a tour of the Wisdom Wheel, please feel free to contact me. Each new cycle of the Wisdom Wheel teachings starts on one of the 13 Full Moons of each year. As you might have gathered, we base our teaching method upon the lunar cycles. Studying the wisdom of the ancient wheels restores one’s awareness of nature and how it ebbs and flows. We are also planning a podcast series about the Wisdom Wheel this year too, so stay tuned for more about that.

The Memoir and Other Writing

As some of you already know, my first memoir The Importance of Paris is coming out soon via Amazon. There will be pre-publication signed copies available for those who cannot wait. The memoir also has a Facebook page with plenty of photographs, video and more. In the months leading up to its release, I’ve been doing public readings and facilitated the first book club discussion for the group who read it in draft form.

Most recently, I returned from ten days in Paris with my younger daughter, freshly graduated from nursing school. Our trip renewed my connection to that magical place and I was given the opportunity to read a few excerpts in the city where it all began.

Expect a flurry of updates in the coming months, including excerpts from the memoir, and insights on learning how to write this particular genre of nonfiction. Becoming a memoirist is exciting and exhausting, much like my adventures living in France for the three years I describe in the book! Launching the memoir will surely be another saga, and I’d like to pass on some of the hard earned wisdom to anyone else determined to write a book about their life. Contact me if you’re interested in joining me for a future workshop about this. We all need encouragement (and beta readers) to help us reach that finish line. There is another memoir in the pipeline about my ever evolving spiritual life, but I’ll save that for a future letter.


Last, but not least, we continue to offer our regular community ceremonies, purification lodges, vision quests as we’ve done for almost 20 years now. Those of you in the tri-state area of Rhode Island, Connecticut and Massachusetts may want to join us for the next one on Saturday, February 16th. Contact me for more info and the schedule of activities.

Please feel free to forward this newsletter on to any friends who might enjoy regularly positive news.

Until next time,
Cynthia F. Davidson