Volume 1 Issue 12: Initiation Time


Along with other commencement exercises we’re attending this month, the “cap and gown” is going onto my memoir, The Importance of Paris (TIP for short). It “graduates” on Friday June 21.

To purchase the ebook version, look for the link in our next newsletter, on July 2. You can search for it by title or author name after June 21st but please note there is more than one Cynthia Davidson selling books on Amazon! One loyal reader found this out the hard way. She almost bought a book by an architect of the same name. If you search by author, you must type in Cynthia F. Davidson.

The print-on-demand version will soon be ready. More news and that link on July 2nd. We are aiming to complete the audio version in time for Christmas gift giving. Plans for translated versions are also in the works: French, Arabic and Cantonese…

Wisdom Wheel

Time to wish a Happy Birthday to all those born under the Initiation Birth Law, between June 22-July 22. At this time of year there are plenty of Initiation rites and rituals, including weddings and graduations.

Our Chinese homestay student Cindy Huang just finished high school here in Rhode Island. We wish her well as she goes off to Stony Brook University on Long Island, NY. Hosting students is my way of contributing to our household income while having a full-time writing job, and it is my form of grass roots diplomacy in our crazy making world.

With each ending, there is a new beginning as Initiations teach us. Our next book project, The Wisdom Wheel Way is already underway. Stay tuned for more news about that.


Thinking of initiating your own writing project as the kids return to school end of summer? Join us! We are offering our one day writing workshop “Would You, Could You, Should You Write A Memoir: The Journey from Inception to Publication,” again on Sunday September 15th. Only 8 spots per workshop to facilitate individual attention, so sign up soon by emailing me directly. $160 per person.


Never any charge for sacred ceremonies. Our next sweat (Purification) Lodge is Saturday, June 22, 10 a.m. And the following monthly open community one is on Sunday July 7. Please RSVP as these fill up fast.